Water Problems Congresbury has long suffered from poor drainage and floods. In 1607 a great part of Congresbury was hidden by the sea and in 1656 a surveyor complained of the muddy moist unhealthiness of the air and poverty or idleness or both of residents in improving drainage. Of the great storm in 1703 the vicar of Ubley, not far away, wrote that the wind caused the sea to come in and their ground was spoiled and their cattle drowned. Indeed the moors were often covered by water for several months each year and not until the 1820s was anything major done. Many villagers remember 1968, when flood water reached 6ft 5ins in the Ship & Castle and 4ft in the Old Inn. Much has been done to prevent such problems recurring.
The 1968 floods in Broad Street as recorded by Mrs Dorothy Darch. Note the car on the wall which was swept down from the Ship & Castle car park.
Congresbury has been flooded many times. This picture of High Street was taken in 1950.